Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

How it works..

Maybe some are wondering how does this group works. Well, here is the full length explanation. All five of us finds fundings, especially the committed regular donors who promise to transfer money every month (no certain minimal amount to become a regular committed donor). But it is Annette and Margareth who are in charge and focuses on keeping a close eye on the fund transfer activity and have the task of reminding people monthly. Aree (short for Ariani) and Iin (short for Indah), are both freshly graduated pediatricians from FKUI and takes the job of listing and screening the patients. Aree in specifically is still hanging around RSCM for a research project so she can in person get the information she needs. While Fiona works back office mainly from he house to keep things updated and organized for all.
UrsaMagnaCharity produced a form for patient and doctor to fill upon receiving donations. Besides the complete information on the patients's address and phone number, the attending doctor also adds diagnosis and treatment. The patient should also have his/her picture taken if possible for our records. Then after the intended treatment (lab tests, imaging, or medicine purchase), the doctor must keep the original receipt to be given to Ariani along with the complete form. The money used then will be reimbursed. For large donations (>1 million rupiahs), we usually try to have a more lengthy profile of the patient including family history and the patient's disease.
All donors will receive a bimonthly reports via mail or e-mail but we encourage to check out this blog for further updated information on the children that they donors have helped.
Got more questions? Just ask.
Contact us. 0811 178 178
To all of the donors: thank you for being such great people with big kind hearts.

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